been woken up every 2 hrs all night.. ugh.
im sore, i hurt so bad. theres one incision that hurts more than the others. i was explained that it was because that was the site that my stomach was removed from. so there was more tugging and pulling and more stitches. i also have alot of contracting.. because my stomach was suspended by air during surgery and also bc i now have only a small pouch instead of a big stomach, it was normal for everything to contract and settle back to wear it needs to be.
had a few emotional moments today.
i was being brought down to my swallow study(where i have to drink a contrast & then i get xrayed to make sure theres no leaks in my pouch..i passed) and we are wheeling past the room where the xray techs are talking and 1 of them says LOUDLY.. "ya..well, i have two 300 pounders comin in!
i felt like sitting my fat ass right on top of her until she could no longer breathe..forget speak.
but..im at their mercy..what a helpless feeling.
next thing...
i was told not to "eat" until i ring my nurse (eric.. a 30 something, not bad looking but totally incompetent nurse) so i ring him, and i hear all the techs from the hall making fun of me. "oooh errrriccc, she liiikes youuu, ohhhh errriccc your crush is ringinnnnggg..ooohhh errriiiiccccc go tooo herrrr errricccc"
seriously??? WTF?!
he comes in (with attitude) i tell him i was told to ring him before i eat. he says "why? you dont know how to eat?"
now thats funny..i didnt become a fat ass not knowing how to eat...dumb incompetent eric!!
what i needed help with..was..i was presented with three 3oz cups and cups of lemonade, broth, and jello.
i wasnt sure if i should try one before the other, all three..none..?? being hes the NURSE on the bariatric wing, i THOUGHT he might know. SILLY ME....
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