i am a bad bad blogger... i havent been on in forever!! i apologize.... i am down about 64 pounds.. the weight has been weird the past 2 weeks.. i went up 1 lb. then down 3 then up 2. and now im back down... im not really sure why!! i have been doing ZUMBA DVD's at home.. i really really like that!! its a great workout! i am very happy that i can now where tank tops..even though my arms are just so flabby.. and sundresses are my fav! i go to the beach at least 1x a week and sit in my bathing suit without covering myself up!! i am tanner than ive been in a very long time!! and i even went out the other night with a tank and jeans on! i went to the dr's 2 weeks ago.. my cholestrol is still not great.. not terrible. but not great. unfortunately, its probably just genetics.. my sugars were great and blood pressure 118/82.. perfect!! my dr hasnt seen me since before the surgery.. he was SO happy!! it was great.. since hes the 1 who encouraged me to do this.. im still finding new bones and muscles i didnt know were there.. LOL my hair is STILL falling out, but my vitamin levels were all great at the dr's.. so its probably still due to the anesthesia.. UGH! life is really really good!! =)