i know, ive been a bad bad blogger. i try everyday to get on here and write and i never have more than a minute at a clip BY MYSELF with the computer.
so i am taking advantage of my current insomnia, to catch up alittle.
i am currently a week short of 3 months post op. i have lost 55 pounds so far.
i feel GREAT.
i am still on my excersise bike daily. i have gone hiking twice since the surgery. once just a small hike. the other an AMAZING, exhilirating hike to the top of a waterfall. SO much fun and i am so proud of myself. not only was it my idea, but what i once would have been pissed off at anyone suggesting i try, i couldnt not only TRY but to SUCCEED at!!
another life altering change.. i wear dresses. LOL
i have actually bought 2 cute summer dresses in the past week. i love the way they look, i feel so comfortable!!! and....they came from the NORMAL sizes department of target. NOT plus size!! they are both a XL from the juniors dept. yay!!!!
i recently started working and theres a few things that have changed. and even one of my customers that i havent seen in a year noticed... i move quicker. easier... when im doing a pedi and leaning foward, i can breathe normal. im not sluggish. i dont just sit at my desk in my downtime, i get up and walk around..sweep, clean etc! and i look fwd to being busy, when there was a time id just bitch and moan, sweat and complain..
as for eating...same ole same ole. some things i just will never be able to eat. i dont do bread. ever.
or pizza, nothing thats a sandwich.
i snack on fruit, cheese, nuts, wheat crackers, cream cheese..
smoothies with whey protein for meals. i can eat a small amt of steak. SOMETIMES alil chicken. no ground meat.
pasta in a very small amt, im talkin a tablespoon full. if that!!
life has definetly changed.. so much for the better.
my hair is still falling out =( i fear a wig is in my future... so ive been really conscious of taking my vitamins and b12 everyday.
still not looking fwd to a bathing suit BUT im only a 1/4 of the way id like to be. so theres so much MORE to look fwd to!!
its like christmas morning every single day!