my journey to health, happiness & skinny jeans..
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Monday, August 2, 2010
4 months post-op

i am a bad bad blogger... i havent been on in forever!! i apologize.... i am down about 64 pounds.. the weight has been weird the past 2 weeks.. i went up 1 lb. then down 3 then up 2. and now im back down... im not really sure why!! i have been doing ZUMBA DVD's at home.. i really really like that!! its a great workout! i am very happy that i can now where tank tops..even though my arms are just so flabby.. and sundresses are my fav! i go to the beach at least 1x a week and sit in my bathing suit without covering myself up!! i am tanner than ive been in a very long time!! and i even went out the other night with a tank and jeans on! i went to the dr's 2 weeks ago.. my cholestrol is still not great.. not terrible. but not great. unfortunately, its probably just genetics.. my sugars were great and blood pressure 118/82.. perfect!! my dr hasnt seen me since before the surgery.. he was SO happy!! it was great.. since hes the 1 who encouraged me to do this.. im still finding new bones and muscles i didnt know were there.. LOL my hair is STILL falling out, but my vitamin levels were all great at the dr's.. so its probably still due to the anesthesia.. UGH! life is really really good!! =)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
catching up

i know, ive been a bad bad blogger. i try everyday to get on here and write and i never have more than a minute at a clip BY MYSELF with the computer.
so i am taking advantage of my current insomnia, to catch up alittle.
i am currently a week short of 3 months post op. i have lost 55 pounds so far.
i feel GREAT.
i am still on my excersise bike daily. i have gone hiking twice since the surgery. once just a small hike. the other an AMAZING, exhilirating hike to the top of a waterfall. SO much fun and i am so proud of myself. not only was it my idea, but what i once would have been pissed off at anyone suggesting i try, i couldnt wait..to not only TRY but to SUCCEED at!!
another life altering change.. i wear dresses. LOL
i have actually bought 2 cute summer dresses in the past week. i love the way they look, i feel so comfortable!!! and....they came from the NORMAL sizes department of target. NOT plus size!! they are both a XL from the juniors dept. yay!!!!
i recently started working and theres a few things that have changed. and even one of my customers that i havent seen in a year noticed... i move quicker. easier... when im doing a pedi and leaning foward, i can breathe normal. im not sluggish. i dont just sit at my desk in my downtime, i get up and walk around..sweep, clean etc! and i look fwd to being busy, when there was a time id just bitch and moan, sweat and complain..
as for eating...same ole same ole. some things i just will never be able to eat. i dont do bread. ever.
or pizza, nothing thats layered..LOL..like a sandwich.
i snack on fruit, cheese, nuts, wheat crackers, cream cheese..
smoothies with whey protein for meals. i can eat a small amt of steak. SOMETIMES alil chicken. no ground meat.
pasta in a very small amt, im talkin a tablespoon full. if that!!
life has definetly changed.. so much for the better.
my hair is still falling out =( i fear a wig is in my future... so ive been really conscious of taking my vitamins and b12 everyday.
still not looking fwd to a bathing suit BUT im only a 1/4 of the way id like to be. so theres so much MORE to look fwd to!!
its like christmas morning every single day!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Breaking up is hard to do....
its been 5 weeks since my surgery... and along with learning how to eat again the right way, i have also done alot of soul searching and self analyzing.
I've learned alot about myself in the process.. I've learned that i am not an emotional eater. when I'm scared, nervous or anxious..i cant touch food. when I'm sad, i am not a binge eater.
I definitely equate food with one feeling and that's happiness. not that i over eat or indulge when I'm happy.. but i love to cook and i love to make my family, my friends, happy.
so i cook things that i know everyone loves. i bake, i fry, i make dishes that are delicious and make my family HAPPY. and because it tastes good, i eat. or...i ATE. i simply love the TASTES of food. i don't turn to food as an emotional crutch.. i just enjoy having 8 people around my dining room table, laughing and eating and talking and eating....
So, as I've been recovering and trying to eat little bits, I've found that the hardest thing I've had to tackle is the fact that i still want to TASTE the delicious food. and at first when nothing would go down and everything got stuck, i was getting a little depressed and sad that i couldn't have the same food that everyone else was enjoying. that I was COOKING...
Now that some time has passed and i am able to tolerate a'lil more, I've realized that i CAN taste things but in moderation. if i have 3 bites of a delicious goat cheese and baby spinach salad and I'm full, that when i serve dessert, i can have ONE BITE of peach pie. and that's all i want. i have no desire for more.. i do not feel deprived but i don't want to over indulge either.
I have, in a sense, ended my lifelong relationship with food. it wasn't entirely an unhappy one, but most certainly an un-HEALTHY one. and I've moved on.. to bigger & better. more energy, no pills, less sweat, and best of all....more HAPPINESS than any chocolate chip cookie could ever give me!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i never thought i would hear this come out of my mouth... but i actually like to exercise...
if i dont go walking.. then i am on the stationary bike..
and if i miss a day, i actually WANT to get on the next day..
its so strange how much more energy i have! and.. how good i feel afterwards..
MJ is picking up my mini-trampoline tonight..i am SO excited to try that out!!!
38 pounds as of this morning!!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010

35 pounds!!!!!!!
Went shopping at this great store called label shopper.. its in Amenia. and they have all these brand names for so cheap!!
Its all overstock from the stores...
I needed a few shirts and i don't want to spend alot, since i'm losing weight and changing sizes so quickly.
So if i can get a Daisy Fuentes or Aeropostale or American Eagle shirt that was originally $34 and is marked down to $4.99...u got a deal!!!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
captain crunch vs. crunchy vanilla sunrise

i bought myself a box of gluten free, organic, cereal.
i bought the rest of this house their cereal of choice..captain crunch.
i pour myself a bowl of healthy and pour mia a bowl of unhealthy.. she wouldn't eat it. she preferred mine...
so i decided to do a taste test. brittany tastes both cereals blindfolded... she picks healthy!! she tells me it tastes like cookies.. =)
then the true taste test.. my husband. the KING of unhealthy! one guess what he picked.... oh yeah! HEALTHY!!!!!! he wasn't happy about it....but he liked it!! Mikey liked it!!! =)
now i have to hide my box of cereal!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
2 sizes smaller & normal BP
i am in jeans 2 sizes smaller than 2 weeks ago!! yay!
and the BEST part is...on NO blood pressure meds, my BP was 123/65
as of this morning i am down 31 pounds!!!
went out to "lunch" with sue and the girls yesterday. i had about 5 bites of coleslaw.. i originally ordered chili but because it was too spicy i couldnt eat it without drinking.. and im not allowed to drink and eat at the same time... so.. i gave the chili to the girls.
funny how coleslaw and a few sweet potato fries filled me up!! i felt like i ate a 5 course meal. LOL
went for a 40 min walk today with the girls.. =)
and my brother and marissa got engaged last night!! so happy for them and i cannot wait to buy a dress for their wedding!!
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